First of all, i fucking apologize for making this fucking thread in english, because i believe it wouldn't be so fucking fun at all to talking about fuck using indonesian language...
ok...lets start fucking!

Fuck is perhaps one of the most interesting and exciting words in the English language.
Fuck is the one magical word which just by its sound can describe pleasure, pain, hate, and love.
You may be asking yourself "Who the fuck invented fuck" ?
The word "fuck" was first commonly used by the ancient Kingdom.
Fuck stand for (Fornication Under Consent of the King),
And than the word Fuck was coined by Shakespeare in 1582 when he was writing the Comedy of Errors.
Upon finishing the play he realized that he had only included sex in the plot and no death.
Mr. Shakespeare exclaimed "Oh fuck! This is supposed to be a tragedy, but no one dies."
Realizing his genius in discovering a new word, Shakespeare revised the Comedy of Errors to say "fuck" in place of sex.
The word "Fuck" is used 1993 times in The Comedy of Errors. This is how "Fuck" came to be used in modern English.
Samuel L. Jackson in the movie, Pulp Fiction honed his talent for saying variations of the word "motherfuck" in popular culture and world cinema,
eventually garnering nominations on Oscars, Emmy Awards and the Adult Film Awards for his many great performances of him yelling and saying motherfuck!!!
In language, "fuck" falls into many grammatical categories.
* Fuck can be used as a verb both transitive (he fucked her) and intransitive (she was fucked by him).
* an active verb (he really gives a fuck),
* a passive verb (she really doesn't give a fuck),
* an adverb (she is fucking interested in him) and
* a noun (she is a fine fuck).
* an adjective (he is a fucking cunt)
* an interjection (FUCK!!!!!!)
The word "fuck" can also be used as an adjective, a noun, and a verb in the same sentence. For example, "Fuck that fucking fucker!"
As you can see...there is a whole lot of real versatility with "fuck". It pops up everywhere. Besides its sexual connotation, this lovely word can be used to describe many situations:
* GREETING - How the fuck are you?
* DISMAY - Oh, fuck it!;
* TROUBLE - I'm fucked now!;
* CONFUSION - What the fuck?!;
* ANNOYANCE - For fuck's sake!
* AGGRESSION - "Fuck you!";
* EXTREME AGGRESSION - "Fuck you motherfucking piece of fucking shit!"
* DEMAND - "Fuck me!!!"
* INCOMPETENCE - "He's a real fuck-off";
* DISPLEASURE - "What the fuck is going on here?"
* NUMEROLOGY - "Sixty-fuckin'-nine";
* LOST - "Where the fuck are we?"
* DISBELIEF - "Unfuckingbelievable"
* SATISFACTION - ""Oh, FUCK yeah!""
* ENDEARMENT - "I fucking love you."
Also as:
* DESCRIPTIVE ANATOMY - "He's a fuckin' asshole!"
* TO TELL TIME - "It's six-fucking-thirty."
* PREDICTION - "Well, I'll be fucked!"
* DIRECTION - "Fuck off."
* LAW - "Fuck the police"
* A POLITICAL STATEMENT - "Fuck Washington"
* INCESTUOUS - "Motherfucker"
* A PUT DOWN - "Fuck off, buster!"
* DISCRIMINATION - "Fucking niggers (chinks, jews, women, fags, wookies, etc.)"
* TO START A RELATIONSHIP - "Let's fuck now!"
* AS AN ACCEPTANCE - "Fuckin' eh!"
* POLITICAL - Fuck Bush!!(Formerly Known As "Buck Fush!!")
* INTELLIGENCE - "You stupid fuck"
* RELIGIOUS - "Holy fuck"
* BEING RAPED BY INVISIBLE MAN - "Oh my fucking God!"
* Fuck can also be used As a substitute for song lyrics you can't remember: "Billie Fuck fuck not my lover, she's just a fuck who fuck that I fuck the fuck. But fuck in the fuck fuck fuck donkey."
Never forget the quotes of some famous people in our history and in the present:
* Einstein: "Any fucker can understand that"
* Mayor of Hiroshima: "What the fuck was that?"
* John Wayne: "Fuck death and the lung cancer he rode in on."
* Samuel L. Mothafuckin' Jackson: "...Mushroom Cloud Layin' Mothafucka, Mothafucka."
* Bill Clinton: "I did not have sexual relations with that woman... I just fucked her in the mouth!"
* Eddie Murphy: "Fuck you, Fuck you, and Fuck you. Who's next?"
* The guy in film...sense and sensibility: "Quite frankly my dear, I don't give a fuck!"
* Tupac: "Yo I fucked yo bitch you fat mothafucka!"
* Axl Rose: "Do you know where the fuck you are?"
* BLAH BLAH BLAH - "Fuck fuck fuckitty fuck fuck!"
And last but not least, the immortal words of the captain of the Titanic, who said "Full speed ahead and fuck the iceberg" and five minutes later said "Where is all this fucking water coming from?
selamat jalan gan :berduka